Terms of Use

Our website www.south-crete.net publishes offers from various providers on the topic “Everything about your vacation in the south of Crete” that you can book for your perfect holiday. By using our booking platform, you agree that we only act as an intermediary between you (User/Customer) and the providers (Vendors) and assume no direct responsibility for the services provided.



Use of the Website: By using our booking platform, you agree to use it in accordance with all applicable laws, regulations and these Terms of Use. Any improper use may result in suspension of your account and legal action.

Changes and Availability: We reserve the right to change, update or remove offers and change the availability of services without prior notice. We are not responsible for any inconvenience or damage caused by changes or cancellations of offers.

Disclaimer: We accept no liability for any loss, damage, accident, injury or other incident that may occur during your holiday.
It is your responsibility to check each provider’s terms and conditions before booking.

Data protection: Your privacy is important to us. We collect, use and disclose your personal information in accordance with our Privacy and Cookie Policy, which can be found here: Privacy Policy.

If you have any questions or concerns about these Terms of Use, please contact us at info(at)south-crete.net

Terms of Use for all areas of our Network South Crete Net:

South Crete Net
Eva Kornarou, Victoria Waschuth GbR

Updated: 21.02.2024

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